Cup Heat Engine - Trial Mountain

1 comentários
Cup Heat Engine
Olá amigos. A 4ª corrida do campeonato Cup Heat Engine, terminou com nova vitória de o2_t2 (Otto). O espanhol Carlos25bcn, terminou em 4º lugar e ocupa agora a segunda posição no campeonato. A próxima corrida, vai ser realizada debaixo de chuva no Circuito de Monza e promete não arrefecer os ânimos. Até lá, bons treinos e boa semana para todos.

Cup Heat Engine
Cup Heat Engine
Cup Heat Engine

1 comentário:

  1. Hello friends.
    Yesterday it was in my view a very exciting and fair race.
    Thanks to Hdvtec and Andregalhardo up for the exciting battle for place one two and three.

    Carlos25bcn has shown me over a very fair race.
    Thanks also to all other procedures for the fair and great performance.

    My car was very fast on the straight. In the curves, it requires a very good foot on the accelerator.
    Yesterday I was lucky to have only one mistake (one slip)the entire race.
    Otherwise, the battle for 1st place would have been very close.
    Then up to the wet race at Monza.

    Greetings Otto


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