Cup Heat Engine - Côte d'Azur

2 comentários
Cup Heat Engine
Olá amigos. Está feito meio campeonato Cup Heat Engine. Em Côte d'Azur, o piloto o2_t2 venceu a corrida e já leva 22 pontos de vantagem sobre o 2º classificado. Ainda é cedo para falar em vencedor, mas torna-se difícil vencer o Nissan do piloto alemão. A próxima corrida é em Fuji, um circuito muito rápido e tudo pode acontecer. Até lá, uma boa semana para todos.

Cup Heat Engine
Cup Heat Engine
Cup Heat Engine

2 comentários:

  1. Hi, yesterday was really my day.
    I could determine the race from the beginning.
    The soft racing tires are working great.
    I had only one error in the hole race.
    No rotates.

    On Monday I have trained with gt5_racer_flaig . He had a Mercedes and I the Nissan.
    Over 10 rounds we have a very tough battle.
    We drove bumper to bumper for 10 laps.

    After this race I changed the camber setting.
    Then I found a very good race setting.

    The curves was improved.

    I have respect before real racing drivers.
    They make a very good job in the narrow streets of Monaco.

    At the end of the race yesterday I was exhausted.
    It was also very late. BRD time 2:00 AM

    Next time on Fuji.
    Greetings Otto

  2. My Car:
    Nissan R390
    330KW or 450HP or 562 LP



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